Department of Sociology Colloquium Series 2017: Dr. Rachel Phillips

Wednesday, 29 November 2017, 2:30-3:15p.m.

Cornett Building, Room B344


Rachel Phillips

Dr. Rachel Phillips 
Executive Director, Peers


“Courtesy Stigma and Care Work with People in the Sex Industry/Trade: Reflections on a Meaningful Community-Academic Research Collaboration"

In this presentation, Dr. Rachel Phillips reflects on her research with Peers Victoria Resources Society (Peers) examining the impact of courtesy stigma on the workplace health of individuals who engage in support and advocacy work with people in the sex industry. She incorporates insights gained over a long-term relationship with the organization, first as a graduate student in the Department of Sociology, and later as the Executive Director of Peers. This presentation pays tribute to Dr. Cecilia Benoit, who has supported many students over the years to apply sociology in their communities, and who has contributed enormously to scholarship about and practice within Canadian non-profit organizations serving marginalized populations.  After Rachel’s presentation, there will be a short Q & A.
